Carton shuttle robot takes control of elevators
The 4-Way carton shuttle robot is a new application for horizontal and vertical movement in the high-density warehouse storage system. The robot helps store and retrieve cartons/totes in the system. It equips with grippers for catching cartons/totes on the rack rail to achieve Inbound put away and outbound order picking.
The 4-Way carton shuttle robot is similar to a 4-way pallet shuttle vehicle. The 4-way shuttle vehicle can travel, retrieve and store goods in four directions while working with elevators for vertical movement. For example, while receiving the order from WMS, it works with elevators and helps store and retrieve the box or pallet from the upper level to the lower level or reversely, and transport them to other shuttle facilities.
1. Minimize the building area of racking
• Under the same storage volume level, the aisles of the 4-Way carton shuttle system are less than those of traditional racking.
2. Maximize the option of warehouse layout
• Utilizing the warehouse area but with fewer restrictions, more options are available for users.
3. Maximize the Flexibility, modularization, and scalability
• The 4-Way carton shuttle system is highly adaptable for different industries and helps to increase the storage capacity.
4. High Autonomy
• The system can integrate warehouse conditions and assign tasks according to the idle conditions of the robots.
The 4-Way carton shuttle robot system is adept in order picking and replenishing.
箱式四向穿梭車跟托盤式四向車類似,四向穿梭車在貨架內根據任務路徑四向行駛,可存取、搬運貨物至庫前輸送機,進行換層作業,四向穿梭車依據系統指令,駛入提升機,由提升機運載四向穿梭車,在垂直方向上下運動 ,轉換作業層或輸送貨物至其他接駁設備。
- 佔用土地面積少
- 在相同處理量的情況下,需要的通道更少,減少使用空間,減低占地面積。
- 倉庫佈局選擇多
- 倉庫上、下層空間或任何地方都能佈局快速穿梭車系統,對倉庫高度要求不高。
- 靈活、模組化、拓展性強
- 可完全根據業務需要在任何階段靈活加入更多的穿梭車,提高系統作業處理量。
- 更強的調度
- 系統能夠自主調度閒置穿梭車進行交叉作業,觸及庫內各個貨位。